
How To Install Ngrok in Kali Linux

Are you a Kali Linux user looking to enhance your network capabilities? Ngrok is a powerful tool that can help you create secure tunnels to your localhost, making it an invaluable asset for penetration testers and developers alike. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the simple process of How To Install Ngrok in Kali Linux system.

Steps To Install Ngrok in Kali Linux

1: Update & Upgrade Kali Linux

Before we dive into installing Ngrok, it’s crucial to ensure that your Kali Linux system is up to date. Open your terminal and type the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

This will make sure you have the latest packages and security updates installed.

2: Download Ngrok

Visit the official Ngrok website ( and sign up for an account. After signing in, navigate to the download section and copy the Linux download link for Ngrok.

In your terminal, use the wget command to download Ngrok:

wget https://your-ngrok-download-link

3: Extract The Ngrok Archive

Once the download is complete, extract the Ngrok archive using the following command:

tar -xzvf ngrok-stable-linux-amd64.tgz

4: Authenticate Ngrok With Your Account

To utilize the full features of Ngrok, you’ll need to authenticate it with your Ngrok account. Retrieve your authentication token from the Ngrok dashboard, and in your terminal, run the following command:

./ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN

Replace YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN with the actual token you obtained from the Ngrok website.

5: Move Ngrok To a Directory in Your $PATH

For convenience, move the Ngrok executable to a directory that is included in your system’s $PATH. Typically, the “/usr/local/bin” directory is a good choice:

sudo mv ngrok /usr/local/bin/

6: Test Ngrok

To ensure that Ngrok is installed correctly, run a quick test. In your terminal, type:


You should see Ngrok’s help menu, confirming a successful installation.

7: Start Creating Tunnels

Now that Ngrok is set up, you can start creating secure tunnels to your localhost. For example, to expose port 80, use the following command:

ngrok http 8080


ngrok tcp 8080

Ngrok will generate a public URL that you can use to access your local web server securely.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned How To Install Ngrok in Kali Linux system. This versatile tool opens up a world of possibilities for testing and development. Remember to use Ngrok responsibly and ethically, adhering to the platform’s terms of service. Also check our tutorials on Install Ngrok in Termux. Happy tunneling!

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