
How to Install ZPhisher on Termux & Kali Linux

In the world of cybersecurity, phishing attacks are a serious threat that can compromise sensitive information, steal credentials, and cause significant financial losses. Phishing attacks can take many forms, including email, text messages, or fake websites that look like legitimate ones. However, with the right tools, you can also use phishing techniques for ethical purposes, such as testing the security of your own organization. In this article, we will introduce Zphisher GitHub, a powerful tool for creating phishing attacks, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it on Kali Linux and Termux.

What is Zphisher?

Zphisher is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub that supports a wide range of phishing methods, including credential harvesting, 2FA bypass, and keylogging. It is a framework for creating phishing attacks that you can use for testing the security of your own organization or conducting ethical hacking. Both beginners and experienced hackers can use Zphisher easily and customize it according to their needs. Zphisher is designed to be easy to use and customizable, making it an ideal tool for ethical hacking purposes.

Install Zphisher on Kali Linux

Installing Zphisher on Kali Linux is easy since Kali Linux is a popular distribution for penetration testing. Here are the steps to set up Zphisher on Kali Linux:

Open a terminal window in Kali Linux.

Install Git by running the following command:

sudo apt install git

Clone the repository from GitHub by running the following command:

git clone

Change the directory:

cd zphisher

Run the setup file:


The setup process will start, and you will be asked to install some dependencies. Follow the on-screen instructions and enter your sudo password when prompted.

Once the dependencies are installed, you will be prompted to choose the language. Select your preferred language and press Enter.

The setup process will then download some additional files. This may take some time depending on your internet speed.

Once the download is complete, you will be prompted to start the Zphisher tool. Type “y” and press Enter to start the tool.

Zphisher is now installed and ready to use. To start the tool at any time, navigate to the tool directory and run the following command:


That’s it! You have successfully installed Zphisher on Kali Linux. You can now use it to conduct phishing attacks for ethical purposes, such as testing the security of your own organization.

Install Zphisher on Termux

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment that can be used to run Zphisher on mobile devices. Here are the steps and commands to set up it on Termux:

Install Termux from the Google Play Store.

Open the Termux app and update the package list by running the following command:

pkg update

Install the required packages by running the following command:

pkg install git curl wget

Clone the Zphisher repository from GitHub by running the following command:

git clone

Change the directory:

cd zphisher

Run the setup file:


That’s it! You have successfully installed Zphisher on Termux.


In conclusion, Zphisher is a powerful tool for conducting ethical phishing attacks and testing the security of your organization. It supports a variety of phishing methods, including credential harvesting and keylogging, and is easy to use and customize. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily install this tool on both Kali Linux and Termux. However, it’s important to remember that phishing attacks should only be conducted for ethical purposes and with proper authorization. Always use this responsibly and stay within legal and ethical boundaries.

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